miércoles, 3 de abril de 2024

Finding it

It's a perfect moment. Conversation flows like machine gun. It's insane, it's uncomfortable, it's like coming home. 

The wondrous feeling of connection to a bigger thing. Of belonging. Of friendship that feels real for once. Of being me. 

There is peace in being me and being accepted for it. I love my rainforest. 

martes, 6 de febrero de 2024

A story worth telling

In a month and a day we'll be choosing the day we'll remember for the rest of our lives. 

It's a whirlwind these days. Choices to make, money to spend, so, so much planning, I mean, look at that crown, look at that dress! But there's also the undercurrent. The underground river of truth beyond all this, your hand in mine. 

From the day that we met when I was 19 and the idea of forever seemed foreign, to this day where we quibble about how to hang up the clothes and who steals each other's side of the bed. The night we talked about science and brains. The dawn on the park bench. Our jokes, but also our depths, you seeing me at my worst, me doing the same. Finding meaning in being you and me against the world. The way you understand how my devious mind works. The silly nights before going out singing Alphaville from the top of our lungs. Lussy. 

With you I experienced the worst losses I ever felt. With your arms around me I heal from it. I hope I can help you heal too. And still the best feeling in the world is getting in bed with my cold feet on your warm legs. The underground river of truth is in the way you support my dreams, in the way you make even the bleak days seem brighter, and in the fact that only you would know that I would love a bouquet of vorticella. 

This truth is that we're not only lovers but friends. We were friends for so long before it became something else. And that the only thing that makes sense in this world is that you sat on that table that late night where I sat with my back turned to yours. It was written in the stars. And so now we sign some papers and choose some date and have a party and it's such a stress, but I'm happy because it's you. 

Ours is a story worth telling. 

martes, 14 de febrero de 2023


I used to think highly of Valentine's day. I dreamed of the pretty gifts, the romantic dates, the kisses, the caresses. 

I used to think there was nothing more romantic than a rose bouquet and a thoughtful gift, holding hands on the street. Silly me. 

I've since come to learn that the most romantic gift is knowing that tomorrow, when the hearts disappear from the store windows, you will still be sleeping by my side, keeping my feet warm, you'll still worry that I forgot my gloves, you will still look for gifts for me, kiss me when I get home and tell me I'm beautiful before I put my makeup on. 

Love is not found in grand gestures some days of the year, love is found in the small things, and our life is full to the brim. 

Still, happy Valentine's, my love. 

jueves, 12 de enero de 2023

Remember winter 2022

Gone are the words I had left to say. 

With the spring of our lives still hot in our heels, karaoke nights and days for the deers. Snow can wait, I have hot coals burning my pockets. 

There was so much, so much I wanted to say but I forgot it. I left all those words in between blankets and broken closets. Houses I will never visit again, beds I never slept in. Chile flakes burning my tongue, cats scratching my hand, and those karaoke nights. They all stole the words from me. 

All the puzzle pieces of that picture from which to take without thinking, yet new pieces keep coming -the spring is still warming. It's a new picture, same but older, same but different, same but wordless. All the words that were forgotten. 

And we eat grapes but we don't hear the music, and we go to our place and burn through our stupid, and I see the words that I wrote while we were off our faces 'remember winter 2022'. 

'What the fuck are perfect places anyway'. 

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2019


Treinta años. 

Treinta años de historia, locura, pasión, poesía, amor, desamor, huesos rotos y almas rotas, reflejados en mi cuerpo en cicatrices y estrías. En fotografías que guardo de noches eternas y días rápidos. 

Mi cabello rubio ya muestra canas, la arruga en mi frente de levantar la ceja desde que era bebe está cada vez más marcada. Los años de sentarme junto al teléfono esperando una llamada quedaron atrás. Los he cambiado por años sentada junto a mi amor y mi perra bajo una manta. Por músculos fuertes de caminar horas, bajo el sol o la lluvia, kilómetros sin fin entre árboles y montañas, entre mesas y cocina y la barra de un bar. 

He cambiado las barbies por bolígrafos, los dinosaurios por un teclado, pero el espíritu es el mismo: jugar, soñar, contar historias. Ahora tengo mi casa, y ya no leo historias a la luz de una linterna bajo las mantas para que mamá no lo sepa, las leo en el móvil bajo las mantas para no molestar a mi pareja. 

He cambiado, sí, mucho. Ahora estoy más calmada, respiro más y mejor, los años me han dado perspectiva, los problemas tienen otro tamaño. Y tuve problemas, problemas grandes, soledad, perder una casa (dos), mantener en mi vida a quien no debía, a quien no me quería, perder a algunos que quería mucho, que se fueron a donde yo no podía seguirles. Hubo gente que me hizo mucho daño, pero de eso solo quedan cicatrices y aprendizajes. 

He cambiado, pero ciertas cosas siguen igual. Mis ganas de vivir, mi sed de aventuras, sólo han crecido. Dormir bajo las estrellas, contando perseidas, perseguir tarántulas y cazar ranas, correr por las calles de Madrid, descubriendo rincones, y esas noches de besos a cuatro, de sexo sin miedos, aquella noche de moros con mi novio y mi no-novia, con alcohol en las venas y algodón en la cabeza. 

Treinta años, y eso me da miedo. Siempre he tenido miedo de estar malgastando el tiempo, de no estar viviendo cosas que luego me arrepentiré de no haber vivido, me asomo al abismo y me da vértigo. Por eso tengo que pararme de vez en cuando y hacer recuento, porque he vivido, estoy viviendo. Este año nos perdimos con las bicicletas, sin agua, bajo el sol de junio. Nos escapamos a Valencia una noche, a cantar karaoke y tocar Marte. 

Caminamos bajo las estrellas tras 30 km, ese día nos sentamos en un tronco, medio helados, y no muy seguros de dónde estábamos, sólo para comer un bocadillo viendo la niebla.

Pasamos 8 días comiendo comida hecha en un hornillo y durmiendo en una tienda de campaña que parecia una casa, en especial para las arañas, corriendo por el monte y follando casi en público, y jugando con pistolas de agua como si fuéramos niños. Y aquella noche de Enero que nos escapamos al campo a ver como caían estrellas fugaces, congelados y abrazados, en una noche sin luna, comiendo un bocadillo. He comido comida tradicional senegalesa.

Este año ha sido bueno. 

Treinta años hago mañana, y que sigan viniendo. 

miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2018


You told me stories of times long past, and bounced me on your knee. You gave me love and hugs and chocolate biscuits. I will always remember how you would build a tent under a fig tree, for me to play on those long, lazy summer days. How you would have freshly squeezed orange juice for me every Thursday. Little details, like the way you'd make malt drink every morning, the lemon syrup you so liked to treat me with, the strength of your hands, so big, holding mine. The scent of your shaving products, the sound of your laughter.

I wanted to call you, to tell you that I cared, I thought I would get another chance. May angels lead you in, gramps. I will always love you.

domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017

The loop

There I was, sitting on the street, waiting for my ride home, when I saw the future him. Tattered and dishevelled, lost, confused, broke and broken. With a hoarse voice he talked, eyes hazy, yet with an intelligence buried beneath all the smoke, like a sun hiding behind the clouds. He talked, and I listened, and I felt this sadness overcome me, because he's what's to come.

It's a dull, muffled pain, as though it came from a life past, from a different point in the loop of life and death, a different name, a different face, the same soul.

I gave the man some food that he didn't really want (the money, I just need the money, I can buy the food myself). I saw the way life ravaged his body, tore his insides out, and wondered at what point he became such a ghost of himself. Maybe in a room full of smoke and trash bags. Wondered then if it was a moment, if there was a before and an after, a point in time where he was irretrievable from the fog. Wondered if anyone could have stopped it, wondered if anyone would have cared, if he was alone because he burned through people like matches.

The man left and I watched him go, wobbling like the street was made of jelly.