lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2012
domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2012
sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012
In the eye of the storm
viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2012
Early morning thoughts
I've gone through blinding anger, denial, depression and negotiation and there's only one left. Acceptance. Acceptance that this love I feel is real, that it isn't going away, and that I want him to be happy, always, and if he needs to find himself, so be it. So if this is temporary, maybe life will throw us together again. Maybe our bond really was special and it can take this. Maybe it isn't, I can't know that. On my side things are as strong as ever, on his side... I know he cares for me, I just don't know if that matters.
Wish I knew what the future holds. My plans were simple, grow old and wise together, and I wish that one day, when he's done with this self-discovery trip he's indulging in, well, I wish he would look back at all the people he's met, at who he is and who I am, and say 'she's still the one'. Wishful thinking, maybe. It's all so confusing, and the only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that whatever the outcome is, I'm growing and I'm finding worth in myself.
Whatever happens, I'm still here. Wiser, stronger, prettier than ever and all in all an improved version of myself, if only because I've learned not to take anything for granted. Water tastes sweeter when you're thirsty, anyway.
jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2012
A or B
That is not how love works, be it a mono or polyamorous relationship, it needs to be worshipped, it needs to be special, it needs physical closeness and a will to stick together through thick and thin, to work things out. It shouldn't be an effort, because when someone's special, you want to give that person things you don't give to anyone else. When a friend is close you trust him more and tell him truths that no one else knows. When a lover is close, you want to share things with them that you voluntarily decide not to give anyone else, to draw a line between that person and the rest of the world, because they are the world to you.
So I know I'm special. I know someone will love me the way I deserve, without making me another notch on the bedpost. Someone who knows what they want and doesn't stray off at the first sign of trouble. And that's why I made the choice of getting away, because he never knew he loved me until he left me and forced me away, and there have been so many ups and downs that he made me second guess my worth, because he wants me but he doesn't want to stay, and to me that's not fair. I am not waiting around for someone who doesn't know what he wants. When he figures out, let him come over, see who I am then, where I am. Perhaps in the arms of someone else, someone better.
miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012
Se me agolpan ahora que el adiós se ve verdadero. Los recuerdos me asfixian, me duelen, los odio, los quiero, los necesito. Salamanca, él y yo, un bar especial, bravas, discutir y arreglarlo a abrazos y besos, y hacer el amor.
Juntos en una tarde gandiense, de paseo, comprando la comida, cocinando, besándonos, jugando.
¿Qué nos pasó, que los besos y abrazos ya no podían arreglarlo? ¿Qué hay tan importante que no pudiéramos superarlo? ¿Quizá el deseo de una relación abierta? No se qué es, pero ya no me siento ni especial ni suficiente.
Le echo de menos, y conforme más recuerdo menos entiendo. Y no quiero renunciar, pero me veo obligada a olvidar de momento, y esperar que pueda en algún punto amar de nuevo, a él o a otro, si mi corazón consiente.
lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2012
A Star Rover
We are starseekers, wandering aimlessly through them sparks, mint fresh and breathing the secret of time (it doesn't exist, not how we believe). I can spring from spring to summer in Berlin, and find myself hidden in that shadowy alley that became our straight jacket, our prison of the mind.
Rove, Star Rover. Take your guidance from the twinkles above and find a new sun.
I've tried, really tried, but I couldn't. I get why he did what he did, but I don't get what he did it for, when he's undoing it all again with his reluctance to let me go completely. He wants it all, and for what it's worth, I've been too willing to give it all, but not anymore. I'm not giving up on my love, all's due in due time, I'm just keeping it to myself, because it rather makes no sense to put myself through this.
My goal now is to be full and complete on my own, to reach that peace of mind and be who I always wanted to be, that strong person that can face the world and take it as a birthright. One day, I'll look at myself in the mirror and I'll say "I'm ready to fall in love again", but for now, it is just me and myself, and that's fine, because I'm the only one I can trust.
See you when I'm ready.
sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012
viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2012
If it was my last day on earth...
Should this, for whatever reason, be my last day on earth, I do believe I lived it to the fullest. And then a realization hits me. This is not so uncommon in my life. I just chose to ignore it and focus on the drawbacks, the inconveniences that come with human interaction. So I have now a new life purpose, I'll make a point to keep record of the good things, and cherish them for what they are, even if it is just a warm cup of tea and a nice book. Spent too much time complaining to see the true beauty of the small things. And at this time and place, I have to say, I am thankful. For all the people who stayed through thick and thin, for those who helped me get back on my feet, even if it hurt, for my dog and her snores, for the warmth and the cold and everything. It's been a rollercoaster of a week, but I think I'm coming out wiser and stronger.
And thanks to you, whoever is there reading, for listening.
miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012
About weird dreams...
I'm alive.
martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012
Palabras antes de dormir
lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012
The big picture.
Y por fortuna o un destino planeado antes de tu nacimiento, aparece ese trébol, esa sonrisa, esa revelación en forma de sorpresa en un pub. Es en ese momento cuando encuentras un desgarro en la realidad y puedes mirar más allá, y se te libera todo, y te conviertes en el que enciende las estrellas, en la noche interminable del alma. Vidas pasadas, vidas no vividas, lo que uno es, lo que uno hace, lo que no hará, todo se expande ante tus ojos vidriosos, atrapados en ese cuerpo que ya no es tuyo. Eres un auténtico vagabundo estelar, y desde el cielo se ve la gran imagen, y nada es más hermoso. Un reloj caminando hacia ninguna parte por la eternidad.
Debo leerte de nuevo, star rover.
domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012
jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012
viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012
jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012
martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012
And until them, I'm just a lie. A twisted lie.
viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012
Alter Ego
martes, 9 de octubre de 2012
EDIT: Not pointless but painful. Painful because I care, and I know you do too. Painful because at the end of the day I just wish I could hold you and figure out what to do. I just... I guess I worry too much, and feeling lonely won't help.
sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012
Rowing boat
Nostalgia bites me hard, like a pulsating rain, pounding down, onto my head, clawing its way into my heart. Where did you go? I can't feel you anymore.
I can't very well row this distance that separates me from the shore. What am I to do?
I need you so much closer.
I want you so much closer.
I'd love you so much closer.
I can't have you any closer.
And I'd cross the atlantic swimming only for you, but it's a mile too long. You live far, Mars and beyond. No way to figure out where you've gone. So come on, come back to find me, because I'm at my wit's end, and I can't help missing you, but don't know what to do.
Come on.
jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012
Skinny dip
lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012
Do fairytales really exist?
Moving pictures across the screen, faces I seem to know, people I'll never meet. Flashy lights of Hollywood? Is that all there is underneath? True love turning the corner, is it love? Really? Can it be? Love is truth. Love is being vulnerable, yet stronger than ever. Love is being there, always, even when you're not wanted, even when you know it's all unrequited, like beast was for beauty, when he knew she would never love him for what he was. Love is trying on your better self for the sake of that one person. Love is... Well, not this.
I saw his face, slashed, burned, dead. She loved anyway. I saw one cross the world to meet a first love forever kept in her heart. I've seen men and women brave methaphorical storms I have yet to see the likes of, break the deepest-rooted taboos in our society for that moment in the morning when you wake up and he's there. But I'm babbling away. What I mean is... I don't know what I mean, meaning got lost in somewhere I don't remember. What do I mean? Maybe I mean that I should have been stolen, like Ygritte and her Lord Snow. Maybe it's just that I don't feel the princess anymore, without no prince charming. Or maybe I'm meaningless.
They say beauty is skin deep, but who could love a monster? In this day and age, there would be no beauty for the beast, cause fairytales lie dead in a ditch.
martes, 21 de agosto de 2012
Complicaciones de un lenguaje verbal
viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012
Siempre hay periodos buenos. Pedazos de tiempo en los que el silencio de mi media alma me otorga paz de pensamiento, en los que puedo pensar en ti sin que se me rompa el corazón a trozos, y me envuelve la sensación de que, por fin, todo ha acabado, que he aprendido a aceptar lo que la vida me ha dado.
Pero entonces vuelve, como un león agazapado, nunca se había ido de verdad, tan solo no podía captar su olor. Y cómo vuelve. Arañando y mordiendo, arrancando trozos de carne, alcanzando el hueso y destrozando la médula. Agota mis energías, me absorve por completo hasta dejarme con el único deseo de tumbarme y evocar -invocar- tus manos.
La realidad es que nuestra realidad es una utopía, un sueño desvaneciéndose entre los primeros rayos de sol. Tu destino era salvarme para luego dejarme marchitar sola. Mi destino es soportarlo. Por ti, para ti.
Because I, you, me... am one.
jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012
The Witch and the Storm
miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012
Sueño de una tarde de primavera.
Oí tu voz pronunciarte sobre la realidad, la esencia de este instante. Convencido de que cada segundo había de ser el único. Cada historia sin un principio ni final, solas, etéreas, eternas.Tu voz de terciopelo, grave, profunda, silenciosa, recordándome quien soy.
Mi oído, susurras, es una maquina perfecta de recoger sentimientos. Pedías que no dejara escapar la oportunidad, que me quedara y escuchara el resto de la función, y eso hice, eso hago. Todavía escucho en el silencio de la tarde que huele a calor, como si pudiera captar un latido. El amarillo nápoles se cuela por la ventana y habla de ajetreo y movimiento. Energía. Tú.
Acariciando mi piel con dedos de universo, me cuestionas, preguntas qué hago. ¿Es solo un sueño? Se me escapa el sol, aunque a la tarde aun le quedan horas. Miro al vacío de mi almohada.
Estás hecha para escucharme.
No quiero oir más, así que me tapo las orejas con manos de cristal, y huyo a dormir, donde tú siempre estás corpóreo, donde muero, donde comienza el mundo. Yo. Tú. Tú y yo.
lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012
Predicciones y delirios de una conciencia alterada.
No es un secuestro, es voluntad mermada. No es amor, solo locura con antelación. Treinta días y una noche que no acaba, y tú a los pies de mi cama, dormido sobre un colchón.
Te arrancaré las ropas, calentaré tu cuerpo con carbón. Anudaré una correa a tu cuello y juntos de paseo robaremos un camión. Iremos a la China, por la ruta de la Seda, atados y enganchados, sin remedio, con pasión.
Te compraré un traje que polillas desearían para sí, tú buscarás golosinas, yo el rojo carmesí. Nos caeremos de los árboles y rodaremos por ahí, caeremos en un dique donde iremos a morir. Nos comeran las alimañas, moscas, arañas y demás, y al paso de los años nuestro fosil encontrarán, tu voluntad mermada atada a mi mano por siempre jamás.